In your own words, describe Newton's Three Laws of motion with your own "real world examples." Make sure you have ONE example for each law.
Soooo, you've wrote your "moon myth" (first draft, ha!) and your just about ready to start the PowerPoint and present to your classmates. But.... a story is only good as the person you are reading it to. Soooooo, read your "moon myth" to a younger person and write how did they receive the story. Did they enjoy the story? Did they "get it" as in get what your "moon myth" was trying to explain about the moon (process or feature)? Finally, if they didn't like it, what could you improve with your story so it can be a hit when you finally present it to your classmates?
ONE PARAGRAPH (or more for extra credit :p )
An ecosystem consists of a dynamic set of living organisms (plants, animals, and microorganisms) all interacting among themselves and with the environment in which they live (soil, climate, water, and light).