Using your approved Science Fair project, post your Plan of Action (POA) on how you/your group will prove your hypothesis (educated guess). Be sure to include ALL of the materials you/your group will be using and the step-by-step procedures for your experiment.
My problem statement is "What is the best way to grow plants in my house? (environment)
My hypothesis is the best way to grow plants in my house would be near my bedroom window with plenty of water and plant food.
My Plan of Action (POA) will be that I will buy three potted plants from Home Depot, all the same type of plant. I will then place each plant in a different part of my house. I think my bedroom window has the best light, so I'm most definitely putting one of the plants there. Also I think the kitchen has goo light, too, so I'm going to put one there. Finally I want to see what a plant looks like when getting no sunlight, so I'm going to put one in my bedroom closet. Since the plants are already grown, I think two weeks of me watching the plants, writing down what do I see and measuring the heights of each of the plant each day I should have enough data to see if I was right or wrong, yes!
My problem statement is "Is it possible for a radio to derive it's power from solar energy."
My hypothesis is that it is possible for a radio to use solar energy by connecting the battery output to a solar panel
My plan of action (POA) Is to find the radio in my attic. Then I'll find the solar panels necessary for the experiment possibly in a recycling building. I'll have to find the exact specifics of hard-wiring a solar panel to an electric device myself. I'll also see if I can see If I can use and light and/or any location.
The project that we are doing is can does antibacterial hand soap kill more bacteria and the materials we need is . 3 Swab
6 Pipette
3 agar plates
1 Caliper ruler
3 Antibacterial hand soap
3 Non-antibacterial hand soap
9 Test tube
18 Soap discs
10 Milliliters of soap
1 Incubator
my groups problem statement is : whats the best way to purify air.
my hypothesis is the best and easiest way to purify air.
my groups P.O.A is to research the question " best and easiest way to purify air " . we are going to find the many different answers on these following websites : Google , Ask.com , or even Enviormental websites that Google provides . I am in a group with Melissa and Kayla , The reason why we picked each other to be partners because we always work good together and we always get a good grade on stuff when we work together. Also because when we work together we accomplish a lot and we always set each other straight when we start to slip up . Our science project relates to enviormmetal issues and health ( the reason why people get Asthma is from the pollution in the air ) .
Our problem statement is do family members have similar fingerprints?
Our hypothesis is that family members would have a higher percentage of similar type of fingerprints than people who are unrelated.
Our plan is working on the two powerpoint which are about sickle cell disease and fingerprints to compair both and give general information.After that we are going to use a poster with fingerprints to show how sickle cell disease and fingerprints are a like.Which are our experiment.
Our Science Fair project is going to be about hair care. To prove our hypothesis my partner is going to bring this doll. Its just going to be a head and we are going to demonstrate. We are going to demonstrate when we washed the hair with bad shampoos and when we wash hair with good shampoos.This is how we are going to demonstrate our hypothesis. I hope me and my partner do good in our science fair.
My Science Project is "How does sleep affect your work during the day?" I am going to test it by having someone go to sleep late. Then I can see how well they do during the day. Or i will look up on the internet a video of someone going to sleep late. The i can show it so that people will see what not enough sleep can do to you.
My problem statement is Does solar,wind,or bio fuel create the most energy?(energy)
I figured that if we find which uses less energy then people can use that one more nad waste less energy.
My plan of action is to make these objects by hand with my science teacher.I will buy the materials needed and we will build the solar,wind,and bio fuel
my problem or statement is "how do oil spills affect plant growth?"(environment). the hypothesis is plant growth has to do with the environment. oil affects the plant because the oil will break the stems that are delicate and pistils.and also preventing pollen from spreading around.My plan of action would be to buy one baby plant from a store,a bean plant.i will place my plant inside of Mr.Binjour's classroom because his classroom might have enough light.lastly , me and my science partner shadiyah would pour the oil on the plant and week after week measure the height and the procedures of what happened to the plant.
Bria, you should test more than one plant and maybe more than one chemical, too.
My problem statement is "Does Antibacterial hand soap kill more bacteria than Non-Antibacterial?" [Health]
Our hypothesis was that there would be no difference between antibacterial hand soaps and non-antibacterial hand soaps on killing bacteria.
My plan of action is to buy 2 different types of antibacterial soap and 2 different types of non-antibacterial soap. Were going to get some bacteria and then put it on a see threw glass. Use a cotton swab to test the bacteria left after we drop the soap on it.
For my science fair project I am going to buy 4 drinks. They are Red bull, Monster, Nos, and Rockstar. I am going to get at least 4 groups and have each group test the drinks. The group is going to drink the energy drinks but by they would know which drink are they drinking. The step that my group are going to do is take down notes on how many heart beats in 10sec.That is how my group and I are going to test our science project.
Nuribus, you should make a "sleep log" where you are writing down all the physical, mental and emotional state of you when you have enough rest (be sure to have a set amount of hours of sleep) and when you don't have enough rest (be sure to have a set amount of hours for this, too)
Stacia, your going to have to grow soy beans in class so you will have some biofuel to start with. Also your going to have to look up the plans for a homemade wind generator. I already have a motor for it, though. :)
Lisselot, are you going to use your own hair and others or are you going to use a model's head with human hair? I think you should use the model head because you won't mess up your own hair and you would have a physical model to bring to Science Fair.
Nicole and Yonabel, another layer for your Science Fair project is to see if people with sickle cell have similar fingerprints, too! That would be great to see the results of that! Also I can show you a way to start your project in class, too!
Clarita, Kayla, and Melissa, I think you should start in finding the BEST way to purify air. Try at least three methods, I know one is using a HEPA-filter. I use one at home because I have a cat and her hair get everywhere and with my HEPA-filter air purifier, it has decrease my times of catching a chest cold. This is one way to purify air :) !
Xavier, Deandre, and RayJ, I'm building a incubator for your group and I have the agar plates ready, so you just have to decide what type of bacteria your group is going to start growing and how long would it take. Also what are the anti-bacterial soaps that your group is going to use. I suggest at least three types plus an alcohol-based sanitizer, too!
Walter, Justin, and Tyriq, you are going to have to have groups do a activity to measure if it actually promote extra energy. Something like running a specific distance, or doing a physical activity like jumping jacks, etc. Then you would have to take the heart rates before and after the physical test, too.
Juan, Chris, and Jay, you need to use at least two different clean power sources along with solar power. You can almost promote this radio as a survival tool for people who go camping or other trips where finding a power source may be difficult.
My problem statement is” Does hand sanitizer protect you from getting germs better than anti-bacterial soap?
My hypothesis is the best way to protect us from germs is to use hand sanitizer because you don't have water everywhere you go to wash your hands with soap.
My Plan of Action (POA) will be that I will create bacteria with Petri dishes. After, I create bacteria with the Petri dishes; I will have to buy hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial soap to see which one helps protect you from getting the germs off the Petri dishes the best. After, I grow the bacteria for thirty days, I will use hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial soap to see which one helps more to remove of the bacteria.
To do this experiment, the materials I need are,
2 Petri dishes,
Hand sanitizer
Anti-bacterial soap
Regular soap
My problem statement is which wold make better biofuel either a peanut or a peanut or soybean? (environment)
My hypothesis is diffrent than my partners (stanley) he thinks the peanut is going to heat up the water better. But I think the soybean is going to heat the water better because if it can power a bus it can heat water in no time.
What me and my partner stanley are going to do is get our materials and start building our calorimeter the way that we are going to this is by carefully push the eye of the needle into the smaller end of the cork.
Then gently push the pointed end of the needle into a peanut. If you push too hard the peanut will break. If it does, use another peanut. It's also better to have the peanut at a slight angle.
Remove the two ends of the large juice can with the can opener. Be careful as the top's and bottom's edge can be sharp!
Using the hammer and nail, have an adult punch holes around the bottom of the large can. These are air holes that will make the can act like a chimney and will contain the heat energy focussing it on the smaller can.
Remove the top end of the small can (if it is not already removed).
Using the hammer and nail, punch two holes near the top of the small can exactly opposite each other.
Slide the BBQ skewer through the holes of the small can.
Pour 1/2 cup of water into the small can and let it sit for an hour. This will allow the water to be heated or cooled to room temperature. (Munch on some peanuts while you're waiting.)
Put the thermometer into the water and record the temperature on your paper.
Place the cork and peanut on a nonflammable surface. Light the peanut with a match or lighter. Have an adult help you! Sometimes the peanut can be difficult to light, so the lighter may be easier to use.
As soon as the peanut has caught fire, immediately place the large can around the nut. Balance the skewer holding the small can on the top of the large can.
Allow the nut to burn for several minutes or until it goes out.
Stir the water with the thermometer and record the temperature again.And the same thing we do to the soybean.
are plan project is on geothermal and hydro energy. me and karon are going to do the project all over. And where going to write it in micro soft word. Then were going to print are work and put it on card board paper.
The mouthwash containing sodium fluoride will work the best because it is an oxidizing agent, which kills bacteria and prevents more sulfur compunds from generating. It differs from the mouthwashes containing zinc, which simply decrease the concentration of sulfur compounds, and the antiseptic mouthwashes that can cause your mouth to be dry.
Gather materials. On the back of a petri dish, trace a quarter four times using a marker. Two hours after two people have eaten, have them rinse their mouths with water. They will rinse their mouths so that they are wet. Swab the back of their tongues with separate cotton swabs. Then gently wipe the area inside of separate circles with the separate cotton swabs. Have them rinse out their mouths with one of the mouthwashes with the directed amount and for the directed amount of time (from the bottle instructions). Then have them rinse out their mouths with water. Again swab the back of their tongues and swab inside the area of another pair of circles. Label each circle on the petri dish to identify before and after circles. Tape the petri dish together so that it is sealed. Four days after the experiment, take a picture of the petri dish and record and compare the amount of bacteria grown. Record the amount of dots and the sizes of the dots, or record the size of the mass grown. Do the experiment with each of the four mouthwashes. Then repeat the procedure with all four mouthwashes again, but with another pair of people.
My hypothesis statement is Comparing the learning abilities of hamster and mice. (environment). My plan of action is to buy one hamster and one mice from the pet store. Then we are going to build 2 mazes so that we can see who will finish first. We are going to put cheese at the end of the maze and we are going to put sunflower at the end of the hamsters maze and see who finish first without going over the walls. That's my plan for the project.
my group and i are going to test are projects by creating a sleep log to test how sleep affects your day .
what we are doing to test it is buying the seed, flower pot, and the soil. were going to have one plant inside and one plant outside.were going put the inside plant in the window.were going have 4 plants.
For Tasia, Mayra, and my project we will test how caffeine affects us. We will first take on day drinking all coffee. Then we will drink a full day of Pepsi and so on. We will take something for one day in a week. Each day we will record how the caffeine made us feel. Then we will take on week without caffeine and see the difference in our mood and answering questions about how we feel. We will also compare how the caffeine in our system differs between us three
My plan of action is to finds ways to purify air. My group and I is trying to find ways to prevent bad air. We are still looking at new ways that we can treat and help to purify air. I am also finding pictures that help support my statements. I have a strong desire that my group and I is going to be successful with this research. We are doing great with our project.
Shanei, Tasia, and Mayra this sounds great can you also test if you can get the same effect by drinking your daily amount of water, which is 6-8 cups a day. This would be your "control" experiment to compare and contrast.
My problem statement is that some people have a problem lowering their blood pressure and heart rate(health).
My Hypothesis that I can compare the heart rate of specific colors and see what rises the blood pressure and heart rate.
My Plan of Action will be that I will have to borrow and blood pressure monitor to check the volunteers blood pressure before and after.I will need to get specific colors to support my hypothesis and prove that some colors do calm down blood pressures.I will need to get a poster board to put all my research and notes on. I will need to take down notes for the results that will be shown and i will also need to take pictures for proof also. This is my hypothesis, plan of action, and my problem statement I am very excited to do this project.
My problem statement is "what is the best way to earthquake prove a building? (environment)
I would have to prove my hypothesis by creating a earthquake proof building. The materials i would need is A 1 inch x 10 foot piece of #40 pvc plastice pipe,n etc there alot to write for the material but mr.b u seen my list
The mouthwash containing sodium fluoride will work the best because it is an oxidizing agent, which kills bacteria and prevents more sulfur compunds from generating. It differs from the mouthwashes containing zinc, which simply decrease the concentration of sulfur compounds, and the antiseptic mouthwashes that can cause your mouth to be dry.
Gather materials. On the back of a petri dish, trace a quarter four times using a marker. Two hours after two people have eaten, have them rinse their mouths with water. They will rinse their mouths so that they are wet. Swab the back of their tongues with separate cotton swabs. Then gently wipe the area inside of separate circles with the separate cotton swabs. Have them rinse out their mouths with one of the mouthwashes with the directed amount and for the directed amount of time (from the bottle instructions). Then have them rinse out their mouths with water. Again swab the back of their tongues and swab inside the area of another pair of circles. Label each circle on the petri dish to identify before and after circles. Tape the petri dish together so that it is sealed. Four days after the experiment, take a picture of the petri dish and record and compare the amount of bacteria grown. Record the amount of dots and the sizes of the dots, or record the size of the mass grown. Do the experiment with each of the four mouthwashes. Then repeat the procedure with all four mouthwashes again, but with another pair of people.
My statement is "how do oil spills affect plant growth?"(environment). The hypothesis is plant growth is being affected by oil spills. Oil affects the plant growth because the oil will break the stems that are delicate and pistils.It will also prevent pollen from spreading around. My plan of action would be to buy three seeds to plant from a store different bean plants.I will place my plant inside of Mr.B's classroom because his classroom has a lamp with enough light. Lastly , me and my science partner Bria would pour the oil on the plant and week after week measure the height and the procedures of what happened to the plants.
my problem statements are "what is the most affective way to quit smoking and "does wind or biofuel create more energy"
(health and energy)
My first plan of action is to find all the information about nicorette and make an interesting power point about quiting smoking and the best way to do that,and also making a poster about it.My second plan of action is to get a flower pot from mr.b and grow soybeans in class to have some biofuel to start with.I will also have to find how to make a homemade wind generator using the motor you gave us.
My procedures to test my theory is too get to young children of the 5-7. Then we get them to play a violent video game to see if theory is true. They would play call of duty modern warfare 2 to see if the military violence effects them. So i will get my brother and couple if young kid to play the game. After they play i will give them some legos to let express there current state of mind after playing. Then ill ask them question them question that deal with violence.
To keep my science project organized, I follow these steps:
My problem statement is how fast can mice and a hamster can get a cheese. (Environment)
My hypothesis is the hamster will get the cheese faster than the mouse. It’s very cool because we never seen how fast can a hamster get a cheese. I want to know how fast can a hamster get a cheese.
My P.O.A (plan of action). My P.O.A will be to buy get clay and to make a maze so that the mice and hamster to find the cheese, I will need to buy a mice and a hamster because with none of that what the point of making a maze? I need cheese so they could smell it so they could get out of the maze faster. That is all I need for my project.
1.make the maze with the clay / paint the maze.
2. Buy the mice and the hamster / test it on the maze
3. Buy the cheese
4.Test the mice and the hamsters on the maze with the cheese.
5. Finish and record results
Jari and I problem of statement is "Is fingerprints patterns inherited?". Our hypothesis are identifying fingerprints by stamping random classmates thumbs. Our plan of action is is to choose fewer classmates fingerprints (thumbs) and press it inside of a stamp ink. The stamp would help my partner and I identify the fingerprints easier on paper. We have been researching on fingerprints heritage to see if the people have "Simple Loops", "Arch", "Double Loop", and or "Whorl". We also discover that fingerprints are unique because the fingerprints might be genetics. The fingerprint inherited are half of each parents traits. By taking each of the students fingerprints would help my partner and I identify the fingerprints patterns inherited.
The way Katrina and I are planning on testing our science fair topic is we are going to see how frogs look from other frogs, also how they breath in the with their bodies.
Our problem statement is "IS GLOBAL WARMING A REALITY ?". (enviorment)
Our hypothesis is that global warming is a reality.
Our POA is to basically go on the internet and reshearch some ideas to this project. We know from the clue that Mr.B gave us that we can us carbon dioxide to do something to prove that our hypothesis is right. We also need to find out what materials we are going to need to purchase. Mr.B we also need a little more clues to help us with this project.After this we will be able to prove our hypothesis and win science fair. YËS !!!!!
Dee Dee, Lajuan and Johvon here are some sites where you can find how to build the "greenhouse effect" model.
Katrina and Jennifer, I found some websites that can help your group have an idea what to look for when we go frog hunting!
(Run this on Safari, it won't work on Firefox)
Ruben, Angel, and Jacori, great idea with testing the effects of violent video games with younger kids. This would be great to inform parents that may think it's just a game...be sure to keep the LEGO models the kids create and you should video the process so you can make a tech display instead of the project board, great work :) !!!!
Stacia and Taykree, take a look at this websites that talks about building the wind generator. This is going to be a hard project and literally is going to be to the wire when it's complete. I can provide you with some of the materials, but we may need to build a motor from scratch, but no problem, I'll help as much as I can (I don't want to do your WHOLE Science Fair project :P)
Tyree and Steve, you are going to have to do your samples over cause you didn't follow the first step of you procedures, read them over and repeat your bacteria sampling...
Samuel and Karon, I have some websites that can help you out in terms of setting up and experiment to demonstrate geothermal energy
...and your group should talk to Francheska and Stanley about the biofuels that your group wanted to use...
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