Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Happened? (Results from experiments)

WHat happened when you conducted your experiment? Give us all the juicy details! Include data and pics, too!


Nicole,Yonabel, Danicha umass said...

Our results is that our Hypothesis was wrong because family members don't have similar fingerprints, Not even twins have similar fingerprints. Everybody has different fingerprints family members may have the same trait but can't give the same fingerprint.For example a mother haves sickle cell traits and when she give birth to her infant the baby might have the trait or any disease the mother or father has.

Nia Alexander said...

Our results were that the paper were going to be dry and fragile.I was right about one thing and this was about the paper being solid.Chikayla thought that the paper was going to be flat at first.I tried so hard to flatten the paper with the iron but it didn't work.I think the paper didn't become flat because it had many different papers.But the one paper that kept it solid was the newspaper.When newspaper gets wet then it starts to get heavier especially when you ball it up.

ShadiyahUMASS said...

My results is that my Hypothesis was right because I put vegetable oil and water on the plants and they grow faster than just water on the plants. Vegetable oil has minerals and Vitamin C that helps the roots grow fungus and the fungus help grow the plant.

tiarra perez UMASS said...

well our hypothisis made us think that buying a expensive lotion would be the best moisturiser but we were wrong because the little lotions that don't cost a lot are much better lotions!!! so therefore you don't have to waste your money on expensive lotions like curel,rose water.ETC

rochelee,kamay umass said...

Our results is that our hypothesis was wrong, because we picked hand sanitizer as best protecting bacteria.
But, as we made the experiment,we found out the best one is anti-bacterial soap instead.Some people use hand sanitizer but now we know anti-bacterial is better,so we are telling people to use anti bacterial soap more.Those were my results.

Niah Mosley MiT said...

What happen is that hypothesis was correct; my hypothesis was is it better for the environment and the people in it to recycles electronics. What happened in my experiment was I took apart an old phone and found the materials in it and figured out which ones can be recycled. I found out that almost everything in the phone is recyclable except the motherboard. Like if mercury or cadium gets inside your body its really bad for you. You may get lead poisoning and problems, kidney injuries and more.

Shadiyah J Umass said...

My results is that my Hypothesis was right. I put vegetable oil and water on some plants and they grow faster than the plant with just water on it. Vegetable oil has minerals and Vitamin C that helps the roots grow fungus. Then the fungus will help grow the plants.