Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What happened to the dinosaurs?

Scientists have developed many hypotheses about what killed the dinosaurs. One idea whose thread follows several of these hypotheses is that dinosaurs were unable to adapt fast enough to the changes in their environment and became extinct. Go to the Web site "What Killed the Dinosaurs?" to explore these ideas. Identify the two hypotheses that you feel are most believable. Explain how these events change the dinosaurs' ecosystem.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Science in the Now!!

Hello fellow science enthusiasts ($5.00 word up for grabs), during the April vacation, watch a science related show and write a review highlighting the main theme of the show and one exciting moment of that program. I'll also blog one of mines, too! Enjoy the break!

Mr B

Friday, April 17, 2009

Limiting Factors (MIT)

Reflective questions might include:
-What were the limiting factors in the snake pit ecosystem?
-Which factors were caused by humans and which were natural events?
-Complete a food web for the pond and identify other species that are likely to
be affected by the loss of the snakes.
-Should the community do something to protect the snakes? Why and if so, what?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Limiting Factors

Reflective questions might include:
-What were the limiting factors in the pond ecosystem?
-Which factors were caused by humans and which were natural events?
-Complete a food web for the pond and identify other species that are likely to
be affected by the loss of the frogs.
-Should the community do something to protect the frogs? Why and if so, what?