Friday, April 17, 2009

Limiting Factors (MIT)

Reflective questions might include:
-What were the limiting factors in the snake pit ecosystem?
-Which factors were caused by humans and which were natural events?
-Complete a food web for the pond and identify other species that are likely to
be affected by the loss of the snakes.
-Should the community do something to protect the snakes? Why and if so, what?


kayla mit said...

the frogs not most of them was good because some had virus and some were small.
Drought is a natural factor while pollution is a human factor.
if the snakes were gone then we would have mice, frog and other little animals everywhere.
yes i do think that the community should do something. snakes help us in away that most people don't know such as killing the not needed animals. they should take all of the deadly not needed animals and put them to sleep

Chavelyn Santana *MIT* said...

The frogs were the limiting facotr in the snake pit! The sick frogs was both caused by humans and natural factor. It can be both because of the polluted enviroment and natural because just like humans animals can get deieses and very sick. Well, snakes are signs of a healthy enviroment! They only eat meat though. A food chain is a path of energy flow through a spefific part of an ecosysytem. A sweet clover plant captures the sun's energy, which is stored in the plant in the form of calories. Then a harvest mouse eats the seeds and the calories are passed on. Then the food chain is lengthed when a rat eats the mouse. The rat snake eats it.While the rat snakecould fall victum to a kingsnake or hawk. Even though a rat snake sits at top of the food chain. If we lose the snakes it can mess up the "natural order of the food chain". I think so because certain animals eat sertain animals. In my opinion i think all animals are important on this earth some specail way. So, yes we should!
.........(Got some imformation on )

JANAE said...

The limiting factors in the snake and frog ecosystem was that there were a lot of snakes and very little frogs. For example in the frog and snake game the snakes died because of a virus, the chemicals from the lake,and because the frogs were small. I think if they don't do something sooner or later a lot of things will die.

damian said...

Most of the frogs were good and some weren't good.They either had polluted leg or they were small.That's why most snakes die because people trash were the mice and frogs live.The snakes can really help us so we should help them.Yes I think the community should do something about it.The snakes should be treated like us so we should treat them the same.


There were virus's. There were small frogs and pollution. Pollution was caused by humans. The virus's which was natural events and so were frogs. Yes the city should do something t protect the snakes because they are living things too. They can make sure that the things they eat are not almost extinct creatures. That way the snakes have something to eat for a while and they also need to make sure that the frogs and other things they eat. so that they don't get sick.

CHAVELYN mit said...

The frogs were the limiting factors in the snake pit! The sick frogs was both caused by humans and natural factor. It can be both because of the polluted enviroment and natural because just like humans animals can get dessise and very sick. Well, snakes are signs of a healthy enviroment! They only eat meat though. A food chain is a path of energy flow through a especific part of an ecosysytem. A sweet clover plant captures the sun's energy, which is stored in the plant in the form of calories. Then a harvest mouse eats the seeds and the calories are passed on. Then the food chain is lengthed when a rat eats the mouse. The rat snake eats it.While the rat snakecould fall victum to a kingsnake or hawk. Even though a rat snake sits at top of the food chain. If we lose the snakes it can mess up the "natural order of the food chain". I think so because certain animals eat certain animals. In my opinion i think all animals are important on this earth some specail way. So, yes we should!
.........(Got some imformation on