Friday, October 15, 2010

Can we all be friends o_O ?

What is your definition of a "real friend." Use AEE to answer this question. One paragraph.


Kevin Z. said...

My definition of a real friend is someone who would keep it real to the top.If they don't keep it real they not a real friend because a real friend doesn't make you feel unwanted.I think a real friend will tell you the truth even if it hurts to know it,even though some people wouldn't want you to get hurt by the truth they will find a way to tell you.I think that when you have a friend they shouldn't treat you like crap because that's not a friend that's more like a bully not a friend.There's a lot of fake people in this class that's why I try to avoid them,so if your in UMASS and I avoid you,you're FAKE.That's my definition of a real friend.

royal butler said...

A real friend means to me is a person that cares about u.And helps u If your mad or sad and ask questions.A true friend would pay you back. A true friend would trust you with your things and take care of it.If you fall or something your real true friend would be there. If you get in a fight your friend or true friend would back you up.your real true friend would do all that.

michelle brandao said...

My definition of a "REAL FRIEND" is they got your back,they wont be to faced,they wont talk behind your back,and they wont say they didn't talk behind your back if they did. I think that this is the definition of a real friend because friends look out for you and have your back and if they say they got your back why don't you prove it. Like you know what I mean I'm tired of fake people because they stay talking trash if that's the case bring it to my face. Don't be fake and talk all that trash and not prove to me that you a real person.Because they are fake and to faced that's why I think this is the definition of a real person. Because a real friend has your back so that's what i think the definition of a real friend is.

escarlin B. said...

I think yes we can be friends because friend is someone who there for you. Also friends can help you out like if u needed help for your homework. Friends can be fun for example me and Rahqi are good friends. We help each other in homework, in class, and outside of the school.Friends can be anywhere, friends can be big, tall or short. And thats what I think that we all can be friends.

Rahqi said...

I think the definition of a real friend is someone who is their for you no matter what. Someone who is by your side. If somebody messes with you, your real friend will tell them to chill or something. My real friend is Escarlin. We always have each others backs. That is the definition of a real friend.

shakyia umass said...

My definition of a real friend is someone that don't talk about people behind there back.I think a real friend is someone that will be there if you need them.Then I think a real friend would ask you a question or statement that someone said that you had said bout your friend.Then I think if that person was really your friend they will trust you and not someone also.Then if people say something about you that you think your friend said you can ask they and not jump to problems and then you want to fight them when someone said that.But then at the end of the day you find out that your friend didn't say that bout you or something.Since that is my definition of a real friend in my book.

Shya said...

The reason why I feel we cant all be friends is because there are a lot of fake and phony heads around. Also because if you are fake and phony you cant really be anybody`s friend because all your are going to do is talk trash about people behind their back`s and smile in their faces. Another reason is because I feel people can say they are your friends and they will be there for you but when something goes down there are no wear to be found. Also because some people want to be mad quite. Then you got the wanna be gangsters running around here. Then you got the two faced people that say that there are your friends but still be behind your back talking trash. I feel a real friend would not lie to you but she or he would lie for you. Also a real friend is when you need them there for you they will be there. Also if your getting jumped or something like that then they will be there.

Jaida Smith said...

My definition of a true friend is someone that will have your back no matter what. A true friend is someone you can trust. A true friend is someone you can go to when your going through something tough. One time I had this person that at first came off to be this like totally awesome person but then when I begin to think that this one person was always going to be there for me I found out I was wrong, because one day when I was going through something serious and I called that person up I thought they would be that one person to tell me everything would be okay and to comfort me they weren't. Till this day this person still treats me badly. So I now Know what a TRUE FRIEND should be like because I have a few.

Donavin dias UMASS said...

My definition of a real friend is someone who is always there and understands your problems. Also a friend is someone who doesn't judge you for everythingyou do. Also they don't think they're better than you. If your in an accident and your going to be in the hospital for a few days they come to check on you and make sure your felling better. If your going to the mall or having a party they come. That is my definition of a real friend. Thank you for reading.

AkE!tH said...

The definition of a real friend is someone that has your back.
Someone that doesn’t pressure you to do things you don't want to do. Like threatening you by saying their not going to be your friend anymore. So most people just give in and that's peer pressure and people do it all the time. A good friend also is one that accepts no as an answer, gives back when you give to them. Basically good friend is someone that you feel good when you’re with.

brittany eutsay said...

What is a true friend? A true friend is somebody you can always trust. a true friend is someone you can tell something and they would keep it to there self.A true friend would tell you when your wrong and when your right. a true friend wouldnt walk away from a problem that you have a true friend is just a real down the earth friend i y true friend :)

loreta said...

My definition of a "real friend" is "ALWAYS act REAL and NEVER act Fake."I say that because I had a similar problem with my best friends Amanda, Christy, and Jaida.But I also say that because a real friend wont act fake and lie about what someone said unless they are playing around with you.Also because they wouldn't lie to you.Last they would act their self around you.That's what my definition of a "real friend".

Brian Foster said...

My definition of a real friend is a person who's always there for you and can be trusted. A friend that can be trusted and counted on is also a "real" friend. My definition of a real friend is also a person who has your back and encourages you to accomplish your goals. Real friends keep you from doing wrong mistakes and getting into trouble. They also give you advice about things when needed. These were some details about what makes a person a "real" friend

NAOMI said...

Naomi Rivera
A true friend is not someone who is mean to you and then say I'm just playing and they do that all the time and sometime you get tired of that and the words they say is really rude. A friend is someone respectful and Nice and is not two faced always by your side. A friend is not someone who gets mad at everything you do like if you are asking someone a question and you are suppose to be quite and it's really important and they tell to be quite or you make a little noise and they get mad. Or if one day you fight then they ask a question you try to help them and they act dumb and annoy you.A friend is a person that you have the same know cool a type of friend you like not two faced a loving friend all the time.

Jonaiya Thompson B.U said...

A true friend is someone who is always there for you no matter what you go threw. A true friend is someone who will pay for you like if you don't have any money than your friend will pay you back. If you get in a fight your friend will be there to back you up. Also if you are sad or mad than they will make you feel better. If you fall down or drop your stuff than they would pick it all up for you. A true friend will do all of those things for you.

OsmarlyFranco(: said...

A real friend means a lot to me. It means - A person who see's the value of you from the heart not the eyes. A person who see's the Value of you means a person who see's who your are , & from the heart not the eyes mean they are your friend for YOU not for what you have. The eyes part mean snot for how you look like & stuff. (:

Jasline Garcia B.U said...

A true friend means to me needs to be a person that cares about others, and who's truthful to you.A true friend will also help you on things you need help with.A true friend would also back you up on someone in an argument or in a fight.A true friend would do all those stuff for you because they don't just care about themselves they also have to care about everybody around them.That's what;s what true friends do. Even if their just friends to you.

narayanjonesbu said...

I think a real friend is is a person who who doesn't try to do bad things.I think that is a real friend because it shoes that that dont like to get in trouble and that they dont like to get involed in it.A true friend would not get you involed in bad things.If a friend does not do any of those things they are not a friend.thats why I only have one friend that does not do any of those things.thats what I think is a real friend.

Graham Freundlich bu said...

The definition of a real friends to me are many things. To be a real friend you need to have trust. If you dont trust someone than how are yo goin to be their friend, then you wont let them do anything. To be a real friend you have to be nice. If your not nice to your friends then they might not like you. This is what being a real friend means to me.

dayontekearnsbu said...

In my own words a real friend to me is being their for me.They help me for things I need help with.They listen to me when I talk to them.They understand my problems.They like me for who i am.They would do anything for me to.

escarlin B. said...

A real friend is always there for you.Friends helps you if your mad or sad. My friends are Rahqi and Briyan. Friends would pay you back and they would trust you with your things.Your friends would back you up if your in a fight or something.Friends are always the best.

jazmin brantley umass said...

I think A true Friend is a person who cares about you . Also a true friend is a person who gives you good advice . A true friend also helps you when something goes wrong . Also True friend is a person you trust . Also if your mad your true friend would try to calm you down and not make you get in trouble or do something bad . since i have a true friend i know all about this .

Unknown said...

What I call a real friend Is someone who can not lie or do bad things behind your back. When I have a friend I be a faithful person I don't lie nor do bad things behind their back. Real friends always hang out and have fun together basically every day. I once had a friend that lied all the time. I don't like people who lie and mess with you rudely. True friends care about each other and don't fight but can always get along. You can only find a few chosen people that are real friends to you.

GaBrIeLa R said...

My definition of a real friend is some one who is there for me. Someone who has my back and is not afraid to show that I'm there friend. Someone who listens and talks to me when im down and someone who gives me a shoulder to cry on. A friend who can be trusted and knows what to say when im mad. A real friend is a person who is real and says the truth if you dont do that then your not a true friend. A true and real friend is a person who try t o find a way to tell u the truth even if it will hurt. That's my definition of a true friend and i honestly think that i am that person.

gabriela said...

My definition of a true friend is someone who is not rude to you. A true friend is a person who respects you. Someone that would apologize and mean it. Someone that would talk to you every day. A true friend wouldn't disrespect you. A true friend wouldn't apologize to you and then does it again. Those are my definitions of a true friend.

David K. helas Mit said...

My definition for a real friend is someone that will stick with me even if times get rough.I also think a real is someone who tell you the truth so that the lie doesn't hurt you more than it is.When a friend force me to do things and doesn't respect you there acting like annoying bully's.If I had a real friend I would spend more time with them then waste my life time with fake friends that I will avoid.I can see a real friend someone who doesn't make me feel left out and alone.That is my definition of a real friend to me.

Trevaughn MIT said...

My definition of a true friend is someone that is close to you even if they are not one of your family members.They have to be mad nice to you as long as you respect them.You don't have to hang out with them they could be a pen pal or a person on a chatting website.Plus they have to tell you the truth always unless its a surprise.That's my definition of a true friend.

Unknown said...

A friend is a person who keeps it real. A person that doesn't go behind your back and talks trash about you. A real friend will tell you the truth no matter if it hurts. A friend treats you with respect. A real friend likes you for you. They don't like you for what you have. So that's my definition of a REAL FRIEND

Aida Montesino said...

My definition of a real friend is someone that you can have fun with. A friend is someone that you can hang out with. A friend can cheer you up when you are sad. If you have a problem, a friend can help you get through it. That is what I think is a friend.


NakeoMurray(MIT) said...

To be a real friend means to be straight up with that person.Say you have a friend who you think is really close to you,and you do thing's like get into trouble. Then a real friend will tell you not to do something like that. Sometimes people think if you tell them the truth then your not a real friend. I think other people think don't like to hear the fact's about themselves that's why they get heated. If I ever had a friend and I do some crazy things I would like a friend to tell me the truth about what I'm doing. That's my definition of a real friend.

Anonymous said...

To me, a real friend is a friend that is there during the good and the bad. A good friend will be there for you all the time. Some of the friends I have a fake friends that only be my friend when I have something or when they know I can help them out. A real friend wont act different when they are around other people. A good friend is someone who don't talk behind your back and be two faced. A real friend will tell you if your doing wrong and try to stop you from doing wrong. Some of my friends think that its funny when I talk back to the teacher or cuss them out. But only my real friends will tell me to chill because they don't want to see me get into trouble. To me there is a lot of things to a real friend and there aren't many real freinds out there in this world.


Nairovy MIT said...

A true friend is some who is not mean to you who wouldn't bully or tease anyone.Who wont talk about you behind back.It's someone who will be there with you all the way till the every end.A true friend is someone who helps you when your in need who gives you some advise,someone who well help you through the tough times and have a shoulder for you if you need one.Also someone who is real which means she/he never lies to you or make up any rumors and deny it.They have your back no matter what happens. A true friend is someone who cares about you not someone who wants to talk trash all the time behind peoples back Denys it later on.

Mr. Binjour said...

A real friend cares about you whether you're high or low. A real friend is there in the bad times, cause that's when you would need the most cheering up. A real friend wouldn't make you do things that will hurt you physically, mentally, or emotionally. A real friend will steer you away from drama not bring it to your door. A real friend is someone you can confide in tell them your deepest secrets...and won't have to worry that it would be on blast on Facebook the next day (or even the next hour)! Finally a real friend would want to see you be successful and share their success with you.