(...I'll be doing alot of this during the break, ha!)
After enjoying your holidays, curl up with some hot cocoa (me some DDs, lol) and watch an science-related show like Mythbusters, Future Weapons, Deadliest Warriors, or even CSI. Then write a one paragraph response, and include a picture if you can! Or research a favorite topic and write a brief summary of your research like how it can rain and it's sunny outside? It's up to you!
...AND REMEMBER, don't copy and paste info, use your own words!
Love ya'll
I researched polution. There is many different types of pollution. There is air pollution which is "the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere." There is water pollution which is "the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants that live in these water bodies. It occurs when pollutants are discharged directly into water bodies without treating it first." Soil pollution is "soil contamination is caused by the presence of man-made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment."Noise pollution which is annoying and potentially harmful environmental noise.Radioactive pollution is radioactive waste is a waste product containing radioactive material. It is usually the product of a nuclear process such as nuclear fission.There is thermal pollution which is harm to lakes and rivers resulting from the release of excessive waste heat into them.Light pollution, also known as photopollution or luminous pollution, is excessive or obtrusive artificial light.
Over the break, I have watched a episode of CSI: MIAMI with Sean "Diddy" Combs. Sean was on a boat cruze party with his soon to be wife. But later on in the party, a man and a woman came on the boat and robbed everyone for there jewlery and money. One of the important items they stole was Seans laptop. The laptop was a huge issue because it haves important information on there that accures to money. As the robbery was steal going, the fiance was killed by an blade that someone shot out of the ocean. So someone was in the water that killed the fiance. The investigators found out who the killers was by the camera that was on the computer.
Over the break, I watched "The first 48". It was in Birmingham when a missing person was found dead. They detectives detected that the case was a homicide. Before, they start investigating they have the find the person's identity. When they found the person's identity. They had to find the direct cause of death. They did a autopsy and found out that the victim was shot. Detective quickly found a suspect. When they found the suspect he had a gun. They took the gun to the science lab to compare it to the bullet they found in the victim’s body. After, the test Detectives find out that they bullet and the gun are similar and took the suspect into custody.
Ive always wondered which animal was The Worlds Most Venomous Animal. When people think of venomous animals they usually think of spiders and snakes. When i was searching online I thought it was going to be a snake. Well I was wrong. I wasn't even close. But The Worlds Most Venomous Animal is actually the box jelly fish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their venom is among the most deadly in the world. Its toxins attack the heart nervous system and skin cells. And the worst part of it is that jelly box venom is so overpoweringly painful, that victims go into shock drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. That means you have virtually no chance to survive the venomous sting. Unless treated immediately. After a sting vinegar should be applied for a minimum of 30 seconds. Ive seen this be for on a show I never understood how a simple house hold product could save your life. So I did research on that too. Vinegar has acetic acid, which disables the box jelly’s nematocysts that have not yet discharged into the bloodstream (though it will not alleviate the pain). Jelly box can be found in the waters around Asia and Australia. Thank god theyer not found in the U.S.
Picture link below.
Over the break I watched this movie called "An Inconvenient Truth". It was very interesting because it talked about Global Warming but there was a I didn't about that subject. Like, the most vulnerable part of the Earth is the atmosphere because it is so thin or that the United States uses more energy than any other country. What struck me the most is that Mt. Kilimanjaro has very little snow on the top of it. But because Mt. Kilimanjaro is do high in the atmosphere it is supposed to be covered in snow. Since the air in the atmosphere is warmer than that makes the snow melt. I also learned hat Global Warming causes extreme drought and terrible floods and when oceans get warmer it causes stronger storms. In 2005, the heat wave that occured killed 35,000 people. Population explosion has created a greater demand for energy and because of it they need to create more energy for the population which causes more pollution. Another interesting fact that I found out is that a lot the companies that are polluting are trying to hide so that people don't know that are polluting and then start to lose business because of it. Ways that we can help are as follows change your light bulbs to make them fluorescent, drive less, recycle more, use less hot water, adjust your thermostat, avoid products with a lot of packaging, plant a tree, and turn off electronic devices.
Well I decided to watch CSI Miami and there was a person that took the woman from the back and stabbed her. Then a lady called 911 and said she heard screams. Their was a suspect that the police were running after with alot of blood on his pants that were the tan like the person that showed in the beginning who took the lady and stabbed her.Then the two police officers ran after him threw backyards and lawns.Next they asked the guy in the pool where did he go he said "that way"! The women poilice officer saw blood in the water and the other guy found the clothes that were full of blood he took off under the seat near the pool.The guy said he didnt kill that girl but the police didnt say anything about that to him. So basically he exposed himself of the murder of that girl.
Hello, what i will be talking about is a movie called AVATAR. This movie is about a man named Jake, he wass in the war & has lost his legs, so he is now ina wheelchair. He is sent by the government to Pandora which is another planet, it's to have the species known as the Na'vi to leave there home. this is because of a rock that was on there planet that was found & is very valuble, also when it comes to the time were the humans can no longer live on earth they can live on Pandora. If Jake is able to make the Na'vi leave the government will give him new legs, but as a human to the Na'vi it would be dangerous so he eneters a machine that creates him an artificial body called an AVATAR, which looks exactly like the Na'vi so he can use it as a discise. Although the machine has the people sleep, so if they sleep in there Avatar form they go back into there human form. In this movie there are many futeristic weapons & planes for pictures go to this link, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/c/c2/Avatar-gun.jpg/300px-Avatar-gun.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.imfdb.org/index.php%3Ftitle%3DAvatar&usg=__oMjsi402vM6RPddJBCSgwaGqE7w=&h=300&w=300&sz=27&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=etFJKI0rB224vM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bweapons%2Bin%2Bavatar%2Bthe%2Bmovie%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den I hope everyone who actually reads this should watch AVATAR the movie.
(on second thought just search up avatar the movie wepons & vehicles!
For a little science experiment, for whoever reads this get 2 number 2 pencils, a small glass cup, a 9 volt battery, a peice os cardbord to go over the cup, sharpen both ends of the pencils(that means take out the eraser & metal part), get some salt, eletric wires, & thats it.
Then push the pencils into the cardboard into the water, put about a tea spoon of salt into a some warm water that will be in the cup, after attach the wires to the positive & negative sides of the battery, on to the top of the pencils, the other ends go into the water of salt. After sit back & watch, for better instructions go here:
Over the break I researched about space.I researched about space because I wanted to learn new information about it and (What is space?)What I found out was that space is an empty universe with no air,noise or smells.Many people found that very strange so they went to space themselves to find out if all those things were true.As we all know you can die in space because their is no oxygen and you won't be able to breathe.Space has a bery little population by 2008 it was raised to 10 people.Those are some things That I learned about space.
Over the break I watched the history channel. I wanted to learn more about American Indians and Africans.I came to learn that they were in America first. They were in battle 2 groups mixed in with both cultures on 2 opposite sides of the land ready to fight.while it was going on a white man in a boat was watching it all happened. He stayed in his boat because he didn't want to get in the mix of things.So the Africans and American Indians found America first not any one else.That's what i learned about who was here first.
Over the break I watched TOP 10 DEADLY SNAKES. I never knew there was so many snakes can swallow a whole person and digest it in a year. I remember watching an episode when a python suffacated a alligator then it tried to swallow it whole. The alligator was to big so the snake split in half and died. I thought that was so weird.
I watched Animal Planet's The most Extreme. It was about the Most Extreme Water Devils. The T.V show counted down the top ten extreme water devils. Number one was the great white shark and the cookie cutter shark. The cookie cutter shark is one of the smallest shark, but it likes to take a big bite. The great white shark is so extreme that it can kill almost anything in the water. Number two was the electrical EEL. The reason it because it can produce so much electricity that it can kill a Blue Whale in 10 seconds. That is why thee extreme animal are animal's the most extreme wall devils.
This vacation I watched CSI. It was about this girl that was walking to a party and got jumped. It was crazy though. With CSI you never expect who can be the person that committed the crime. I changed my mind so many times on who it could have been. I even suspected her father. I felt so bad when someone saw her and just tried to take her money not even try to help her. she tried mad hard to fight back, she was beaten up sooooooo badly. That was a good episode.
Over the break I saw Avatar. It is 2154 and this man's brother was supposed to go to outerspace to try to get a species called the Na'vi to move so that they can get a valuable mineral called unobtanium, but he was shot a couple weeks before he was supposed to go.The planets name is Pandora and it is home to a species called Na'vi. So the brother (Jake) took his place and went to Pandora, even though the brother is hadicapped he can still go. There you have to wear a gas mask because if you breath the air you die in four minutes.In an attempt to improve relations with the natives, scientists create human-Na'vi hybrids called avatars, controlled by genetically-matched human operators.The brother gets what was supposed to be his brothers avatar. After a while they go out into the forest in their avatar bodies. While they are there Jake gets seperated from the group and is found by he is rescued by Neytiri who is the leader's daughter. She is supposed to teach Jake how to be a Na'vi. Later on in the movie they fall in love with each other. Jake tries to reason with the people who want the Na'vi to move but they don't listen to him and they blow up the Na'vi's home and they through Jake and some other people in jail. One of Jake's friends come and get him out of jail. They then go and try to help the Na'vi out but one of the people that is with Jake gets shoot and dies. Jake and his other friends go and find the Na'vi and they tell the Na'vi what is going to happen. Later on there is a war and the Na'vi win. They send the humans back to Earth, while Jack and his friends stay behide and stay with the Na'vi. And they are changed by the Na'vi into Na'vi's themsevles. That is what happens in the movie.
I like to dissect animals. I like to dissect things because I want to know what is inside of the animals. I looked at pictures of sharks and saw they were hard to dissect because they are deadly and you don't want to get too close or you'll die. I also looked at the leg of a cheetah and saw their legs almost look like a dinosaur leg. I think these huge legs help them get their prey and run like a speeding car.
Over the break i watch CRIMINAL MINDS every day of the vacation.One episode was when Derek Morgan goes to Chicago ever year for his mother birthday and he revisits his old stomping grounds.To keep it short and sweet this boy got killed after Morgan drop him off.Then there was this coach who be rapping young boys who have the potential to be somebody.Then the police in Chicago arrested Morgan.Then Morgan broke out of jail and then he found the coach and made him tell the story and got him put in jail.Even though theres more to the story i cant tell you everything.
During my break I saw discovery channel and saw that in the united states there has been a lot of recycling.I think that its great to hear that because that means the world is at-least improving and its getting in a better situation.The news people were always saying oh this world is in a bad state of being because no one is not even caring about recycling in this world.But then people actually took their care and time to recycle and care at-least for the world they live in. I had a really good time over my weekend with my family and i found that new in discovery channel really interesting.That's a little summary of what i did over my vacation.
Over the break I watch a movie about a study of a different place it was called avatar. And I so did my science project about sugar crystal and I found out that there is different kinds of crystal like sada , salt ,candy that what I did over the break .
Over break i watched the news. It was about something that happened with my family. It said that my brother was locked up because of something he supposedly did. Even though he didn't. It was like all over and it was really sad. They said that he was barricaded in my house even though he really wasn't I wanted to cry but i kept strong for my MOTHER.
The science related show I saw during the vacation was 1,000 ways to die. The show is really interesting it shows what will happen if you do something to your body. What i saw was when a lady was trying to entertain a man she handcuffed and taped herself to a chair. So then a burglar broke into her house and he was talking to her she couldn't do anything his breathe stank so badly she started throwing up. Because she taped her mouth her throw up made her drown(in it). That was really weird but I enjoyed the show 1,000 ways to die.
One of the shows i saw was Myth Busters.The show i saw was that can a icicle kill someone wen it falls. They took a tube and put the icicles inside and drop it on a dead pig. When they did that it penetrated threw the pig. so it was true a icicle can kill someone when it falls.
I didn't watch any science related show. I was in the Dominican Republic at the time this was distributed. The only thing I can think of that happened is when I went to this place where they have music competition with their cars. The bass was SO loud that when you got close to the car you feel tickling through your feet. You could of been as far as 10 feet and still feel it. The sound was traveling very loud and hard. My ears drum was going "boom boom" ! And when they put the music louder and the closer i was to the car you can feel the ground pounding.
I watched the T.V show untamed and uncut on animal planet. On that show there was a kangaroo that was boxing a person in a real match. On the show it mentioned that fighting comes natural to kangaroos. It comes natural because when kangaroos fight each other to compete for a female kangaroo it looks like they are boxing.They also punch when they are playing. The kangaroo went when crazy and started to fight it's owners. When the kangaroo started to attack one man is lucky he was not seriously injured because the kangaroo kicked him and it's massive nail did not pierce the man. Luckily no one was hurt that time.That was the show that I watched.
Over the break I watched the Harry Potter movie with my friends and brother. When people think about Harry Potter movies they think about magic.Also people think that there's always kids flying in brooms and teachers turning into frogs,rats.It's weird how what people think is true about the movie.But anyways this is what i watched over my break.
Over the break i had watch the discovery channel.The episode was focusing on recycling and how the people are helping when they might think they are or just recycling for fun.when you recycle you are saving 27% of a tree sated by a recycler in another city and he enjoys recycling. Recycling also helps the community by not cutting down trees chopping every 2 days when paper or plastic is needed.
i watched Sid the science kid. Sid the science kid is about a little boy that want to know everything about everything but this episode is about getting a shot for the flu. the kids in the episode are worried about getting a shot because they think its going to hurt. Sid's grandmother is the nurse who is going to give them the shots but they are still scared. Sid's grandmother come to the school and tells them that it does not hurt and sings a song for them about shots.
I researched on cheap old machines because i like old style. And i learned about some machine that helps you loose weight and increase your stamina and energy. i think there called treadmills. They said with this machine you could run with out having to go out. And with diet you can loose wight fast inside your house. I would love this machine because you can run at average and super speeds. "well its a cool machine you don't have too agree just saying"
I researched on cheap old machines because i like old style. And i learned about some machine that helps you loose weight and increase your stamina and energy. i think there called treadmills. They said with this machine you could run with out having to go out. And with diet you can loose wight fast inside your house. I would love this machine because you can run at average and super speeds. "well its a cool machine you don't have too agree just saying"
During my vacation i watched ncis los Angeles. the episode is when the agent dom gets kidnapped and they are trying to figure out who did it. they have all types of cool gadgets and stuff like touch screen walls and tables. they are trying to find him when a signal from his phone comes threw with sound and video. then they triangulated the position(area) that he was in. then the instantly moved in to try and save their partner. Not knowing that they were to late and that they had already missed them. Instead of finding dom the found one of the people that kidnapped him dead from losing to much blood. when they see that the accomplice is already down they have to test the blood to make sure that it was not doms hopefully isn't. the team is having a hard time dealing with all of this. when they get back to there office they find that the camera in doms car had no video on it but audio. From what you could hear from it it sounded as if he got shot. the team is at its worst thinking of what could happen to dom a.k.a the rookie. they found out who kidnapped dom now all thats left is finding him. they found the kidnappers sister who took care of the dead associate and questioned her. she so far has no clue were he is but the question is "will she crack?" she did crack! dom has a miner flesh wound which means he should be OK. they are trying to find out weather or not she has contact with her brothers or not. they are going to trade the sister for dom which probably means they are all going to go to jail. they find out were he is all that is left is gong to him and saving him. they all want to find out why this all happened though. well when the go to the place where dom is supposed to be he is no longer there so what happens now? well that all depends on the next episode.
Sid science kid was about him trying to find out how do Woodlouse move.so he took them to school so his friends can help him examine them.When they examine them they used a magnifier glass.Magnifier is use to make things bigger when they are really small.So they then found out that there are really small legs that the use to move, just like us.
I decided to research Light Waves. I decided to research this while playing Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. The Speed of light is approximately 186,282 miles per second, making it possibly the fastest thing in the universe. The primary colors of the Light spectrum is Red, Blue, and Green. Metroid Prime 2 inspired me because of the Light to Dark feature of the game. You constantly have to switch between Light and Dark Aether to find items and equips. This can only be done by light and dark portals. Light portals have to be energized by the light beam and dark portals need the dark beam. The beams will run out of ammo. Charging the beam when it's out will fire a normal shot.
Over the break I watch episodes of CSI Miami and CSI New York. I watched this because it is interesting. In one episode of CSI Miami there was the son of the head CSI that was involved in it. His mother is the ex wife of the CSI and she is being crazy. She has been carrying guns around and endangering the life of her son and everyone around her. And she ends up in a psychiatric hospitals and I found that interesting. I like cop shows because I like that drama and all that.
For my vacation I went to LA.It was so fun. I went there so I can see my aunt. Over there my family and I went to the beach.Then we went to go see the movie Avatar. That was the best movie I ever seen.Then we went to this store called the best store of soup.We ate the best soup from LA. I wish I could go back down there again.
I was watching an episode of CSI. On this episode of CSI there was this Magician who was doing trick at his show and asked for a volunteer, the volunteer came to the stage and went into the glass box, the magicians assistant passed the magician swords and stuck them through the glass, the glass was already Smokey, the crowd ahh'd and ooo'd, than the smoke disappeared and so was the volunteer, when the helper went across the room to where the volunteer was suppose to be, but she wasn’t there they couldn’t find her. Where was the volunteer? No one knows all I know is that she is dead and that they are trying to find out who the killer is o how cool!!
Over the break i researched alot about Bottlenose dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins are well known as the intelligent of many aquarium shows. Their curved mouths give the appearance of a friendly, and a wonderful smile. They are also trained to do tricks.
Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through the expert use of echolocation. All dolphins, including the bottlenose, are porpoises.
Here's my short essay type thing on Technology waste.
In my opinion, whenever technology gets thrown out, I think it's a waste. Unless you are positive that you can't use it or nobody will want to use it, you should'nt throw it away. If you do end up putting your non-wanted technology into a trash can for the garbage truck to pick it up, that's bad. Well, when technology gets thrown out, I found out that most of the time it gets thrown into landfills. Which I think is pretty sad. I think landfills are bad for the envirnment, unless they recycle. In the rest of this blog comment/short-essay I will be explaining where exactly does technology go when it gets thrown out.
Landfills, are where most trash gets thrown away. I found out that most of them just bury the trash, which is the oldest form of throwing stuff away. Your theory about trash gettting thrown away to China or something like that, I didn't find anything on. But there all Landfills like almost anywhere, they are also known as a dump. But I ALSO found something out that made me confused. The right way to get rid of technology is to take them to your local dump, to be recycled,but you have to pay for them to take the electronics and most people aren't willing to do that. The RIGHT way to get rid of un-wanted electronics is to recycle it, and if more people did that then it would probably help the atmosphere a lot.
Along with where most technology goes when it gets thrown out, I found out what happends when things like TV's get thrown out. When a televison gets thrown out it becomes a part of this growing e-waste problem. Electronic circuit boards, batteries and color ray tubes can contain dangerous materials like lead, mercury and hexavalent chromium. If these are improperly handled or thrown out, then they can be released into the environment through landfill leachate or incinerator ash. That wouldn't help our envirnment, it would just make it worse. So as you can probably tell by now, technology needs to be recycled, not just thrown into a landfill. The U.S. has 3,091 active landfills, which (as I stated before) release dangerous toxic gases into the air, and a lot of other bad things. So overall Landfills are where technology and a whole lot of other garbage gets thrown out, even though it is proven that Landfills are hazardous to the environment.
For the February break I watched Mythbusters. The episode that I watched was about mentos and cola. The theory is that if you drop one mentos in cola and very tiny crater provides a site where co2 molecules turn to gas. Then the candy sinks to the bottom, making the co2 bubbls rise and making cola spray everywhere. Mythbusters said that the mentos surface is very much like the moon's in that they both have microsopic pits. Mythbuster's tested that theory with a mint mentos and soda water and it was very much true. To compare they also used a green mentos, which surface is different because it is waxed and soda water. Nothing happened when they used the green mentos.
I'm deciding to write on CSI:NY this time. This episode was about a show of a woman and a guy race that happened in front of many people.The quy name was Davvy Santos and he was winning the race. It was two days before a Grand Prix Race, when Davvy Santos the racing legend died in a car explosion in Manhatten.After the Santos was in the hospital in Critical Condition the CSI's took pictures of the parts of the racing car.The investigators are trying to find out what happened with Davvy's car and who was sending him threat notes slipped under his door like " You get in to that car tomorrow you die". After they put the car all together the investigators saw that there was a persons fingerprint on one of the parts of the car and there was marks on the fuel line.CSI investigators found out that Davvy Santos was driving in a big oil tank.It was a cool episode and interesting too.
Well my research is on diabetes. I choose to research diabetes because my mother has diabetes. I think is scary because i never know what can happen to my mom.This is one of the risk factors in our family. My mother has type 2. People get type 2 diabetes by having an unhealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, polycystric ovary syndrome; women disover problems that include lack of menstrual periods, obesity and insulin resistance. A person thats diabetes has to take alot of medication and check there blood to see if their sugar measurement is fine. But the good about my mom is till this day shes very healthy for a diabete person and she also take care of her sself very good. Im really happy about that.
Well I researched on the komodo dragon
one of the most dangerous predators. The komodo resides in island komodo in asia. This island his highly populated with komodo dragons. The Komodo is very dangerous hunter. To kill its prey they bite and poison them with there saliva. Then it eats all the meat of its prey. Sometimes komodo dragons will its young before there born. Komodo are usually between 2 to 3 meters in length and weigh 150 pounds. The Komodo as weak senses so it uses its to sample the air to find its pray. Komodo dragons like to leave in hot dry grasslands like the savanna. Komodo dragons like to eat dead or dying prey they also eat carrion at type of bird. Komodo use there sense of smell to detect anything thats dying or dead.
Over the break i watched a discovery channel show that was talking about 1,000 ways you can die by pollution and health problems. I thought the craziest way you can die from pollution was if you breath in to much pollution it can stay in your lungs and poision you . But my question is how do you know you breathed in to much pollution.
During the brake I didn't watch any science related shows. Though I researched about Global Warming.I learned that there is many types of ways we One of the biggest issues is air pollution. People have a big part in this situation. I say this because we are the one hurting the environment by polluting the air. Their is ways to fix this problem. In my opinion if we recycle more and help each other we'll be fine. This is what I researched during the break.
where exactly does snow come from?I researched about where snow come from what is snow and why, how does it snow.I found out a Lot of different things like snow is actually frozen water vapor."Water vapor" refers to water when it's in the form of a gas instead of in the form of a liquid " water vapor in the atmosphere changes to ice without going through the liquid stages it makes snow and showers from the sky. Water vapor is all around us its rain snow etc. if the transformation happens closer to the ground on a cold surface, it creates frost when the temperature warms up the snow melts back into liquid water This is part of the process of The Water Cycle.
I watched a mythbusters show over the break. Their experiment was to see if C4 can blow up in a microwave. Their experiment did not work. They tried several times heating up the C4. But each time they failed. Like always, after their myths are busted or plausible, they always take the myth in to their own hands. They added more C4 in the microwave for a big exlosion, but this time they used a detonator to activate the explosion. This time it worked. I felt that the mythbusters could have done more than just made the explosion bigger. I felt that they could have blown up something bigger, such as a truck to be more exciting.
On Break I watched Destination Truth. This show is about a Man going around the world to discover Legions and Myths. I watched this show every week and Learned and Discovered new things. I think this show is very Educational, and Recommand it. I did many more things on vacation and had Lots of fun.
The video I saw was on myth busters show. The show I seen was about can a spark from your stove make an explosion if your house has been bug sprayed. The episode of these myth busters was interesting because it had to do with exciting stuff. Stuff like explosions. What they did was they found an empty abandoned house and the filled it up with roach spray. Then they hooked up a stove igniter in the house and then ignited the stove and the house blew up. But the Myth busters experiment had already been confirmed. A company said that these explosions happen at least 2 times a year in America.
The video that I watched was myth busters. In this episode of myth busters they have to find out how long will it take to find a needle in a hey sack. But they of course didn’t do it the old fashion way. They build machines to help them find the needle. One machine was used with water and a magnet. The other machine had to do with burring hey so they can find the needle. But the machine with the water was the most useful machine. It turns out that it takes 4 hours to find 1 needle in a hey sack. I think this episode was interesting because of the fact that they used machines to get the needle
During the holidays i watched CSI : Miami . In this episode a little boy was abandoned by his mother and left with his mothers boyfriend . come to find out his "stepfather" (mothers boyfriend) was a big time criminal . CSI finally found his location which was the little boys home and did some investigating. Thats how the boy found out why his mother fled . the CSI people questioned him about his step father . stepfather went to jail and they found his mother who fled and he went to jail . the little boy got sent to a foster home with this mean old lady .
During February Vacation, I researched Nuclear Fusion and Fission. I decided to research this because of the Annihilator Beam in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. In the game, the Annihilator Beam is the final beam weapon in the game. It uses 1 Dark Ammo and 1 Light ammo. The charge combo uses 5 ammo of each. The main function of this beam is not only to finish off many enemies quickly, It can open Echo Locks when combined with the Echo Visor. Along with Light and Dark waves, It uses sound waves and light waves. This is a different case in reality. This beam would combine Nuclear Fusion and Fission just to exist It's blast has the same power as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The worst possible scenario would be if two exist and were to collide with each other The Fabric of time and space could be ripped apart. This beam after careful research will "annihilate" anything and everything in it's path. It's charge combo is worse.
The annihilator beam charge combo, the "Sonic Boom" in reality could have potential of being the most dangerous weapon created by human minds. The attack is unloaded from the Arm Cannon as a small cluster of sonic energy. This cluster travels very fast until reaching a target. It then erupts as a large sonic wall, that shatters and causes a ripple through reality. The surface that has been hit appears warped and cracked, as if looking through a cracked glass pane. The Sonic Boom emits translucent waves and a high pitched screeching sound, until it eventually dissipates. Any enemies to be the target of this attack take a massive amount of damage. Fast and slow enemies are both vulnerable to the Sonic Boom, making it a very versatile attack. The only downside however is the huge drain on Samus' resources. It uses 30 of each ammo and 5 missiles These weapons are exclusive to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Nuclear Fusion and Fission stand alone is dangerous. Combining them into a weapon, is deadly.
War weapons
This video talks about a armor vehicle that mores around. It has a large screen that can target anything. It helps the commander to stay safe inside the weapon the armor vehicle inside is like a video game computer. It has a monitor with a camera in it the camera targets the person so the man can shoot him. Ti moves slow because it was in the sand on the beach. this is a powerful technology for the future.
There is that guy that is name lane warrior that have a gun that has maps to see where to go on a mission.Also I think he is the leader of the army group. Lane warrior has some type of device that you can use to talk to your group of friends that is in the army with you. Lane group of army can see where ever they can be located to each other mission.the thing that they can do is that they have a GPS to see where they are going. Also they they have some type of computer device that they can use as a radio and it got speakers plus they have batteries.The third thing that happen is that they have walky talky to call for reinforcement when the others are down. The leader lane warrior have the GPS device on his right eyes and high light the enemies so he can give the soldier orders to do something. Also the army people have some type of device that you can see and your eyes while the person is ducking down with the sniper.
Over the break i watched Deadliest Warrior. They had a Ninja and a Spartan fighting in a one-on-one fight to the death. The scientists of the show tested all of the weapons that the Ninja and the Spartan had. They used this type of rubber body that only had the top half and without any arms. They said that it was the closest thing to the human body. They first put each weapon up against eachother seprately to see what weapons out of all of them were deadliest. Then they make a video using a computer of the fight of the Ninja and the Spartan. They used all the weapons that each of them had an put it into the video. The Spartan won. Thats my response to your blog.
I've always wondered why is gold so rare. so i decided to look up some stuff on gold.I found out the elements such as gold, platinum, and palladium may have been formed in the early universe.As a result of neutron star collisions. These neutron rich explosions caused by the spiraling together of neutron stars were the most powerful explosions in the universe.(A neutron star is a type of remnant that ccan result from the gravitational collapse of a star)
Gold is very easy to recycle and work with. It is always easy t fix and very easy to change it into a new shape.And because of its rarity , old gold is never thrown away but instead is always recycled. Today all the gold in the world would form a cube about 50 feet on each side that would fit easily underneath the eiffel Tower. Wow now that I think of it theres not that much gold on this planet. I'm guessing that the gold that a lot of people use today could be the same gold kings and queens wore back then since its all being recycled.
i watched "the first 48". a man was robbed and killed in a parking lot. they found a woman's shoe in the car. it was a huge clue. it wouldn't really help if they couldn't kind out who the shoe belonged to. so they had to check the whole car for finger prints and any other clue that can help them figure out who the shoe belonged to. at the end they did figure out who the shoe belonged to. it did help them figure out who robbed and killed the man. and they did catch him
Over the break , The episode was focusing on recycling and how the people are helping when they might think they are or just recycling for fun.when you recycle you are saving 27% of a tree sated by a recycler in another city and he enjoys recycling.# The 300 million rolls of fax paper we use each year is enough to go from the Earth to the moon 26 times.U.S. businesses throw away 21 million tons of paper every year, the equivalent of 175 pounds per office worker. recycling helps the government because the more you cycle it doesn't go to waste. this is why you always recycle paper it really helps.
i researched polution. there is many different types of pollution. there is air pollution which is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere." There is water pollution which is "the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater caused by human activities, which can be harmful to organisms and plants that live in these water bodies. It occurs when pollutants are discharged directly into water bodies without treating it first." Soil pollution is "soil contamination is caused by the presence of man-made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment."Noise pollution which is annoying and potentially harmful environmental noise.Radioactive pollution is radioactive waste is a waste product containing radioactive material.Over the break I watched this movie called "An Inconvenient Truth". It was very interesting because it talked about Global Warming but there was a I didn't about that subject. Like, the most vulnerable part of the Earth is the atmosphere because it is so thin or that the United States uses more energy than any other country. What struck me the most is that Mt. Kilimanjaro has very little snow on the top of it. But because Mt. Kilimanjaro is do high in the atmosphere it is supposed to be covered in snow. Since the air in the atmosphere is warmer than that makes the snow melt. I also learned hat Global Warming causes extreme drought and terrible floods and when oceans get warmer it causes stronger storms
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