Write three reasons why you are working independently or with the partner you chose.
Love is committing yourself in writing, so be sure it's a topic and a person you "love" to work with cause once it's posted, you've "committed yourself" in writing to the WORLD (cause this is the internet, duh!)
For Science Fair, my partner is Christopher. We both work on science fair in the 7th grade. Our project in my opinion was very good. I believe we could do just as well this year, if not better. Our statement is about how can we improve our jump shots when we play basketball. Our problem statement is "How can We Improve our Jump shots?
I have decided to work with a partner.I would like to work with someone because I do much better working with a person by my side.So that person I'm going to be working with is Mayra.I chose her because she can be serious about her work and she doesn't play around as much.Also,I'm able to work with her we do play around but we both know our limit.Now I have a hypothesis problem/question.Me and Mayra's problem is that we like the way certain foods(Doritos,carrots,broccoli, and Cheetos)taste but we want to know if the smell will change the taste .So me and Mayra had changed our little problem into a hypothesis question which is Does smell effect taste?
I decided to work with a partner. I would like to work with a partner because I work much better with a partner. I also would like to work with a partner because the person i could work with is a smart, funny, seriously and can help me through alot of things. And I'm working with Atyana as my partner. Atyana's and I have problem. Our problems is that we like the way sertain food (Doritos, Carrots, Broccolli, and Cheetos)taste, but we want to know if the smell will change the taste.
Problem: I have a flaky scalp.
QUESTION: What shampoo is best to treating my dandruff?
One reason why I am working with my partner (Cynthia) is because we work good as partners to get our work done. The second reason I want to work with Cynthia is because we worked last year together and got a good grade.Lastly we can work together because we can make our project interesting and fun.In Science Fair me and Cynthia will have fun and learn also.
My partner is Juan. I chose him because we did very well in last years science fair. I've always wondered how players in the NBA like Ray Allen make it look so easy shooting from anywhere on the court. My problem statement is "how do we improve our jump shots". I feel this project will be very fun and will benefit us in the future.
This year I am working by myself the reason why is because when you are with a partner there is too many problems. So I chose to work by myself so problems do not happen. And this year what I am going to be working for science fair is trying to get Betta fish in the same tank together and also to breed them. The reason why I want to breed them is because I do not want to pay for them anymore so that is what I am going to be doing for science fair this year.
My problem is people polluting the air.My problem statement is How/why do people pollute the air?
Well, I'm working with Monique.
The reason why I'm working with Monique is because we have a topic we chose we want to work on. We're working together because we have the same interest for the topic and we both have good ideas for our topic.I also want to work with her because i think i can accomplish my goal to complete this project with her.
For science fair my partner is Jordon. Our statement is I don't like the taste of corn syrup.We are going to figure out "Why do they have corn syrup in lollipops". I think this is a good project for us to do because no one else will do it and we will find out why.It is also a good project because no one will expect it in the science fair.
For science fair my partner is Janae. Our statement is I don't like the taste of corn syrup. We are trying to figure out "Why do they have corn syrup in lollipops". I think this is a good project for us to do because no one else will do it and we will find out why. It is also a good project because no one will expect it in the science fair. Also because we both want to be chefs so this would also help us know why we need corn syrup in a lot of things. This is what we are going to do for science fair.
For science fair I am going to work with a partner. I decided to work with a partner because I think I work best with a partner. The partner I chose to work with is Tasia. I decided to work with her because she can be serious about her work. For our project we are going to make our own line of cosmetics and seeing if homemade products are safer than store bought products. Our problem statement is we re worried if store products are safer than homemade products.
Problem: I have a flaky scalp.
Question: What shampoo is best to treating dandruff?
I have decided to work with my partner (Arelletty)is because we work good together. When we work together we get aware project done. My second reason is that last year we worked together and got a good grade. Thirdly we know how to make it fun and have good work.
For this science fair Melissa and I will be working on Tide vs. Gain which one is better. Our problem is that we need to know which one is better on cleaning clothes. Our problem statement is which one is better TIDE or GAIN? I want to work with a partner because we could help each other out, we can share the work, and lastly because I won't have to do everything by myself.
For science fair, my partner is Kayla.In my opinion I think my topic is great. The reason why I say this is because this year my partner and I am trying to find out '' Which is better ''Gain'' or ''Tide''. Multiple people is always complaining how their clothes is not getting cleaner enough. I think this topic will answer many people's question that they have. People will also know ''Which is better ''Gain'' or ''Tide''.
I’ve always wondered how NBA players like Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade and Ray Allen make their shots look so easy. Even though they are shooting from the NBA three point line, which is 23ft 9in directly in front of the basket and 22 feet in the corners, and the hoop is 10 feet from the floor to the rim. My problem statement is how do I improve my jump shot.
I decided to work with Cheyla and Vanessa. I wanted to work with them because we get stuff done but, at the same time we also have fun doing it. We are still coming up with "problems" for our project. One thing that is interesting to us is why people litter and what it does to our world. I think this would be a good project because it would be interesting to know more about this topic. We are thinking about doing something with Earth since we live on it.
My question is "How permanent are permanent markers"? My problem statement is permanent markers and how permanent there are. The three reasons why I am working with my partners is because I can't work alone. Another reason is because i think I can work really well with the partners I am working with. My final reason is because when I was in 7th grade I worked with DEDE and will got a good grade and I want the same grade.
my partner for science fair is Jilissa. I think working with her on this is going to be a lot of fun. We get along well and get a lot done. I never did a science fair before so I hope this turns out good. Our problem is we don't know which cake tastes better. are question is which cake does people perfer cake mix ,or cake made from scratch.
The person who i want to work with is Jason. I want to work with Jason because me and him both get our classwork. The teachers always say that me and him are the best competiton. Another reason why i chose him was because the project will be the best. I just think me and Jason will be the best partners. These are the reasons why i chose Jason as my partner for the project.
My problem statement is ''can napping affect a person sleeping patter?''I am working with clarita.I am working with her because she wanted to work with me.Also because she said she was going to stay focus if she works with me.Also because if we work together we can get the work done.
This year for science i am working with Amaraini. We are going to build a mircrowave. After we build it we are going to test if microwave food can give you a higher risk on getting cancer.
For Science fair my partner will be Deandre. This will be my first science fair,but i am ready to make it my best. Our question is "How can different food affect different aged rabbits"? The reason we decided to do this is because we both have rabbits. My rabbit is still a baby. His rabbit is a full grown rabbit. He says his can eat celery. My rabbit can't eat that its to hard.
For science fair my partner is Nicole De'Olmos. I chose Nicole De'Olmos as my partner because i work better with a person by my side helping me with what i don't i understand. Our problem statement is which shampoo makes your hair softer.
I decide to work with a partner.I choose to work with Rochelee Cruz because i she is one of my best friends.Also because i do much better working with someone by my side. Our problem statement is Which shampoo makes your hair softer.
For the Science Fair, I'm working with Giovanni. WE had never worked together, but i think that we are going to do a good job.The problem statement is I have a horrible jump shot. Our problem statement is "How can I improve my jump shot?
For the science fair, I am working with Edison V. We never worked together before but I think that we could do a good job. Our statement is I have a horrible jumpshot, and my problem statement is "How Can I Improve My Jumpshot."
For my science fair project i will be asking the question how can people save water? my problem was people waist a lot of water in my house.I am working with Yonabel because we work great together, When we work together we stay focused and get good grades for what we did and finally because I'm a easily distracted person and she helps me stay focused on the work.
Ariana & I are working on what is the best way to purify water ? Me and ariana are working on this together because we get along and we can work together to get our work done . We are working on this because its interesting to us, and we want to know more about it .
This science fair; my partner is Malik. We worked together on a lot of assignments and I think we did a good job. I think we are going to do a good job on this science fair project.Our problem is the air pollution. Our problem statement is What filters the air best?
my partner is Jennifer for the science fair project.Me and Jennifer are going to work together because me and Jennifer get along.Our science fair project is what is the best way to purify water?
I choose to work alone because that's the only way i get my work done. If i do work with someone then it would be Desi.But i choose to work alone because if i work with someone i get distracted and talk and don't get my work done. Last year I tried to work with people but i can't count on them to be here everyday or anything. So working alone is best for me.
for the science fair my partner is kanisha. i choosed kanisha beacuse we get are work done and through all the projects we have done we have worked really good on them.also me and her fool around for a while but we always end up finishing are work. i believe this year we can do just as well or maybe even better.this is why me and kanisha have decided to work together for the science fair.
! am working with Jennifer on the science fair project because we get along and she works hard. Jennifer is a hard work so i though seen we both would work hard then we should work together. If jennifer was not a hard worker then i would of picked a different partner because i need to get a good grade on this project to keep my grades up. The project is what is the best way to purify water?.
I chose to work with Juan, & Chris. I mainly chose them because, well they are my friends. Also when it comes down to Science Fair, I always choose a partner. In this case i chose partner's, I choose partner's because i can't work by myself on Science Fair. I always get distracted & can't choose a topic. This is my Blog.
My partner for my science fair project is Cynthia.This is our 2nd year working together and we have fun doing our projects together and we get our work done. We are not sure what topic we want to work on this year though.WELL I want to work on something different and better then last year so that's it! Since we have to do it on energy,health or the environment we haven't chose what we want our topic to be. :]
The two partner I chosen was Kayla and Clarita. The reason why I chosen these two for a partner is because they are constant with their work. The reason why I say this is because they always get their work done no matter what. The second reason why I chosen them as a partners is because they come up with good idea's. Their idea's can help through the work process.
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