Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Newton's Three Laws

In your own words, describe Newton's Three Laws of motion with your own "real world examples." Make sure you have ONE example for each law.


Shyimel B. said...

The first law of motion is the law of Inertia. This law is when a object stands still until someone or something moves it. For example, a building stads tall and still, but if a rocon ball comes and hits the building, the building is no longer still, it falls.The second law is when someone or something accelerates it goes faster, then when you run you have to have some type of weight (mass). The more mass you have the more force. For example Football players are are usualy around the weight of 300 pounds. SO, if a football player accelerates at me with all their mass ill get pulverized because im way smaller than that. The 3rd law is that, for every action there is a equal and opposite re-action.In other words, when you do something to someone they are going to have a re-acton, no mater if its verbal or physical.

Donavin Dias said...

Newton's 3 laws of motion are laws that explain how we move in certain ways and how we don't move in certain ways.The way Newton's first law applies to life today is when someone pushes you, you move/fall unless another person pushes you in which you'll either go in the opposite direction or you'll balance out.The way Newton's second law applies today is when you play with a toy car an push it forward it keeps going in acceleration until another person stops it or it hits a wall.The way Newton's last law applies today is when u move something one way there's always another opposite force and an equal force.

Loreta B. said...

Newtons first law is "an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it".I think that means if somethings moving it wont stop unless someone stops it.Ex. If your standing in one place you stay there unless someone pushes you and you get off balanced.
Newtons second law is "an object that has a unbalanced force acting on it will accelerate in the direction of that force". I think that means you stay in one place until someone moves you or if your on something that is flat then starts to slant down ward you will move. Ex. If your on a hill you stand still at the top because its flat then goes down ward and if some one ran and pushed you you would end up going down hill. Newtons third rule is "forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs". I think that means that when some one stands still you don't move then some one tries to push you you wont go towards them you move away. Ex. there's three people one person pushes another then they would move away instead of towards that person. In other words those are the tree rules.

angelina said...

The first law that Newton created was an object that is in motion stay's in motion. An object that is at rest will stay at rest. An example based on that law is if a fan's on or on motion it will stay in motion until somebody or a force stops it. The second law is an abject that is unbalanced force on it will accalerate in the direction of the force. One example is that if a pole is resting or standing still and it has an unbalanced force on it, it will fall down hit the floor or something. The third law is forces always occurs in equal and oppasite piars. My example of this is like if a two poeple pushing somebody at the same time the person their pushing he's not going to move because he has to forces hitting him.

royalbutler said...
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Naomi Rivera said...

For the first law it's like you are riding a bike and when say you where riding and then say you have a helment on and it was not on right so when you are riding and someone walks by and you hit the brake then your helment will come off cause anything on or in the bike will keep moving so if you don't have the helment on then it will most likely come off of your head cause and unbalance force act on it. For the 2nd law say you have book and you threw across the table and it will keep going cause the book and the table must not have that much contact,but if you have a shoe and you slide it on the rug that it will have contact that the rug is pushing back when the shoe is pushing forward the force of the rug is going to make it stop.Say that you have a chair and then the amount of force you push its the amount that the chair would gave you it would give you equal force back to you but it will still go.those are my example of my three laws.

Lydia Bailey said...

Newton's three laws of motion is object in motion will stay in motion.Object at rest will stay at rest.They made seat belts because when a car is moving the objects in side are moving.So if there wasn't seat belts then if a car stops the people in the car would go flying into the wind shield.When two thing are together one uses its motion to slow the other one down.Like if a rock is on a table and you trow the rock hen the table motion would slow the rocks motion.Tats what newton's three laws of motion are.

AkE!tH said...

An example of the first law of motion is if a car is in motion it will keep going. If a car is parked it will not move.Another example for the second law is if I pushed some one they would not go flying into me. They would not come flying into me because the force is going the opposite way.
the last example for the third law of motion is if the negative side to a magnet went to the negative side it will create a force. In other words these are examples of the laws of motion.

NakeoMurray(MIT) said...

The three laws of Newton basically tells us how thing's move. For example the first law of motion states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon an unbalanced force. Say you are in your mom's car and she is talking to you and she looks at the light and it's red she then slams on the brakes and you jerk forward if you have on a seat belt. The second law of Newton states that an object that has an unbalanced force acting upon it will accelerate , the force will cancel each other out. The third law of Newton states forces always occur in opposite direction think of when you are playing need for speed and the cops set up a road block and you slam into the police car and it goes flying. Those are the three laws of Newton.

David Helas said...

Newton's 3 laws of motions the law help explain how we move and what makes objects move in a certain way. The first law that is true today is if someone bump in to you, you will probably move or fall for example your on a swing but you can't swing unless someone pushes you so someone pushes you [that's where the unbalance force comes] and you move. The second law is when a force push you it will make you move in the same direction for example Mr.Binjour is standing still so he doesn't move until Mr.A came and push Mr.B that send him in the direction Mr.A force pushed him [this motion is like accelerating]. Newtons third and final law is if you push something in one direction it can have a equal force or opposite for example I push a wall as hard as I can and I get pushed back with the same force because the wall has lots of mass so that was an opposite force but if it was a door it would be equal force.

DEREK D said...

newton's three laws are things to explain the way of motion.The first law is objects remain in uniform motion (at rest or constant velocity) until acted on by a net force.One example I have is when kids are standing up in the back he speeds up and stomps on the brakes and the kids fall on the floor.An example for Newton's law is when you go shopping and the and the cart has a wheel lock and it locks the wheel when you get far away from the store.An example for Newton's third law is when you are playing a game of tug of war.

William Tejeda said...

Newton's 3 laws of motion are laws that explain how we move in certain ways and how we don't move in certain ways.The way Newton's first law applies to life today is when someone pushes you, you move/fall unless another person pushes you in which you'll either go in the opposite direction or you'll balance out.The way Newton's second law applies today is when you play with a toy car an push it forward it keeps going in acceleration until another person stops it or it hits a wall.The way Newton's last law applies today is when u move something one way there's always another opposite force and an equal force.

NairovyMIT said...

Newston's first law is when a object will stay at rest unless an unbalance force acts on it. For example when mr.b was standing in one place not moving until Mr.Alexandre pushed him which made him move.Newton's second law is when a object has an unbalanced force acting on it will accelerate in the direation of that force.For example in the video in brain pop gravity was holding you down to the floor. The floor is holding you up so the 2 forces cancel out.So when you go down the hill gravity and the normal force is not canceling each other out but gravity wins.Newtons last law forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs.For example when you push the door it pushes right back at you with equal force.

Gabriela A. said...

Netons first law says, "An object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an umbalanced force acts on it". An example for Netons frst law is that if my mother is driving and she puts the breaks the seat belt will stop her from going forward. Netons second law says, "An oject that has a unbalanced force acting on it will accelerate in the direction of that force". An example of Newtons second law is your pushing someone on the swing the swing goes in the same direction. Also the harder you push the swing the faster the person goes. Netons second law says, "forces always occur in equal and opposite pairs". An example for Nwtons third law is a door. The door goes in opposite direction when you open and close the door.